VF-3000B Bomber Valkyrie |
Fact Sheet
Equipment Category:
Aerospace, Military
Government: United Nations
Dual or Triple seat main ship-borne attack craft
Designation: VF-3000B
Name: Bomber Valkyrie
Program: Advanced Valkyrie design. VF variant that would carry out the role
of a variable bomb for the United Nations forces.
Design Features: Lengthened and strengthened VF-3000 airframe with large variable geometry wings, variation on vertical stabilizers, and large bomb capacity
Flying Controls: Rearward swept main VG wing possesses two separated sets of ailerons/flaps; twin lifting vertical stabilizer assembly; dual air/speed brakes (?) located on dorsal surface of aircraft
Structure: Main wing placement is amid of the main fuselage; engines placement is below the main wing
Powerplant: two main engines
Pilot [co-pilot,] and bombardier/navigator (weapon specialist)
Avionics: Composite sensor units (including FLIR);
various fairings and blade antennae/sensors
Armament: Beam gun on main optical sensor unit/turret x 2 + x 1; Various ordinances can be loaded under the main VG wings including eight multi-ejector racks each carrying four bombs/missiles; other.
Equipment: Three landing lights on each main wing leading edge surface
Spec Data